A source of renewable minimum cost is power which can be developed with
1. Geothermal power
2. Tidal power
3.Wind mills
4. Biomass power
Krivoy Rog Kerch Peninsula Magnitogorsk are major producers of ________ in former Soviet Union.
1. Coal
2. Manganese
4. Iron ore
Numerically the largest human race in the world is ________
1. Caucasoid
2. Mongoloid
4. Austroloid
Red Indians called this local wind Ice Eater?
1. Mistral
2. Chinook
4. Haramattan
Volcanic eruption does not occur in the
1. Black Sea
2. Caspian Sea
3.Baltic Sea
4. Caribbean Sea
________ stands at the head of Chesapeake Bay which is known for oysters.
1. Baltimore
2. Boston
3.New Orleans
4. Philadelphia
A continuous belt of urban population progressively linking several cities is known as
1. Metropolis
2. Megalopolis
4. City sprawl
A heavenly body which takes nearly the same time to complete one rotation and one revolution is
1. An asteroid
2. A comet
4. Mars
A narrow inlet of sea between cliffs or steep slopes especially associated with Scandinavia is
1. Bay
2. Gulf Stream
4. None of these
A person of mixed European and Indian blood in Latin America is called a ________
1. Mulatto
2. Mestizo
4. Mau Mau
About 50% of the world population is concentrated between the latitudes of ________
1. 5�N and 20�N
2. 20�N and 40�N
3.40�N and 60�N
4. 20�S and 40�S
Biome represents ________.
1. A desert vegetation
2. A major ecological group of plants
3.A large ecological region characterised by similar vegetation and climate
4. A major ecological group of animals
Diego Garcia is in ________
1. Arabian Sea
2. Bay of Bengal
3.Indian Ocean
4. Gulf of Aden
Forest soils are
1. Rich in potash
2. Deficient in potash
3.Rich in salt
4. Rich in organic matter
From east to west which one of the following sequences of cities of Canada is correct?
1. Quebec � Montreal � Ottawa -Toronto
2. Montreal � Quebec � Ottawa -Toronto
3.Quebec � Montreal � Toronto � Ottawa
4. Montreal � Quebec � Toronto � Ottawa
In Britain the Grand Union Canal is running from
1. Liverpool to Hull
2. Cardiff to Birmingham
3.Glasgow to Edinburgh
4. West Midlands to the London area
In USA rice is grown
1. In Texas
2. In the West
3.In Colorado
4. Nowhere
Inland waterways have many disadvantages. Among them the most common is
1. Presence of water falls and rapids
2. Seasonal freezing and drying up of rivers
3.International controls on traffic
4. Fluctuating volume of traffic
Lava solidifies to form ________.
1. Pumice
2. Basalt
4. Sandstone
Limestone is an example of
1. Igneous rocks
2. Sedimentary rocks
3.Metamorphic rocks
4. Crystalline rocks
Most of the people in the world live in lowland areas except those in ________
1. Central and Western Africa
2. Southern and South � eastern Europe
3.Southern and South � eastern Asia
4. Central America and North � western South America
Muscovite Phlogopite and Biotite are
1. Iron ore varieties
2. Mica varieties
3.Coal varieties
4. Manganese varieties
One will not have to pass through the Suez Canal while going from Mumbai to
1. Alexandria
2. Suez
3.Port Said
4. Benghazi
River Rhine of Europe drains into
1. North Sea
2. Black Sea
3.Caspian Sea
4. Adriatic Sea
Sun�s halo is produced by the refraction of light in
1. Water vapour in Stratus Clouds
2. Ice crystals in Cirro-cumulus clouds
3.Dust particles in stratus clouds
4. Ice crystals in Cirrus clouds
The ________ mountains crossing the Great Plains and the ________ Sea further south separate Europe from Asi
1. Caucasus Black
2. Ural Caspian
3.Carpathian Mediterranean
4. Balkan Sea of Azov
The ________ railway is the longest railway route in the worl
1. Trans-Siberian
2. Canadian-Pacific
4. Trans-Continental Australia
The 90� East Ridge lies in the ________ Ocean.
1. Pacific
2. Atlantic
4. Arctic
The age of the Earth is approximately
1. 1000 million years
2. 4600 million years
3.3000 million years
4. 100 million years
The biggest freshwater lake is
1. Titicaca
2. Baikal
4. Victoria
The canal that connects the upper Hudson at Albany with the Great Lakes at Buffalo is
1. Erie canal
2. Kiel canal
3.North Sea canal
4. Trent and Mersey canal
The Cape Route has recently assumed some importance in the shipping world because ________
1. The trade through this route has greatly increased with the development of South African States
2. The canal tolls on the Suez Canal are heavy
3.Large oil tankers cannot be accommodated in the narrow and comparatively shallow Suez Canal
4. All the above
The country with the highest density is ________
1. China
2. Bangladesh
4. Singapore
The cradles of civilization have been
1. Valleys
2. Plains
4. Hills
The duration of the day and night is always equal at the
1. Equator
2. Greenwhich Line
4. Tropics
The general direction or movement or a tropical cyclone in the northern hemisphere is
1. Eastward then poleward
2. Eastward then towards the equator
3.Westward then poleward
4. Westward then towards the equator
The highest coal-producing country in the world is
1. India
2. USA
4. Russia
The Horn of Africa includes ________
1. Ethiopia Djibouti Somalia
2. Namibia Botswana Republic of South Africa
3.Senegal Guinea Somalia
4. Libya Egypt Sudan
The �land of eternal spring� are certain parts of
1. Tundra region
2. Highland region
3.Mediterranean region
4. Hot Wet Equatorial region
The Indian sub-continent lies
1. Mostly in the southern hemisphere and partly in the northern hemisphere
2. Mostly in the northern hemisphere and partly in the southern hemisphere
3.Wholly in the northern hemisphere
4. Wholly in the southern hemisphere
The largest fish exporting region in the world is ________
1. The South � East Asian Region
2. The North � West Pacific Region
3.The North � East Pacific Region
4. The North � East Atlantic Region
The leading producer of coal in former Soviet Union is
1. Donetz basin
2. Kuzentsk basin
3.Karaganda Basin
4. Pechora basin
The least densely populated country among the following countries of Europe is ________
1. Poland
2. Norway
4. Belgium
The length of the Suez Canal is approximately
1. 80 km
2. 110 km
3.140 km
4. 190 km
The navigable European rivers are
1. Mississippi Missourie Tennesee St Lawrence
2. Ob Yenisey Volga Rhine
3.Danube Rhone Seine and Elbe
4. Yangtze Sikiang Hwang Ho Chientang
The number of women per thousand men is called
1. Men-women ratio
2. Sex ratio
3.Relative density
4. Manage ratio
The Persian Gulf region is rich in ________.
1. Crude oil reserves
2. Iron ore reserves
3.Bauxite ore reserves
4. Uranium ore reserves
The phenomenon known as the Midnight Sun is caused by
1. The rotation of the Earth on its axis
2. Sun spots
3.Inclination of the Earth�s axis
4. Nuclear explosions
The place of origin of an earthquake is called
1. Seismographic zone
2. Perimeter
4. Seismic focus
The population of India has of late been growing very fast because
1. Not enough attention has been paid to methods of population control
2. The death rate has been dropping on account of better medical and health facilities
3.The birth rate has continuously been increasing
4. Industrialization has provided a fillip to growth of population
The pygmies are found in ________.
1. The Congo Basin Africa
2. Bihar India
3.Queenslands Australia
4. Finland Northern Europe
The river Mahaweli flows through
1. India
2. Bangladesh
3.Sri Lanka
4. Pakistan
The river that runs along the USA-Mexico boundary is
1. Rio-Grande
2. Gila
4. Colorado
The river transports material in
1. Suspension
2. Solution
4. All of these
The Savannas or Orinoco Basin are termed as
1. Pampas
2. Steppes
4. Llanos
The sea with one of the highest salinities in the world is ________.
1. The Dead Sea
2. The Red Sea
3.The Arabian Sea
4. The Baltic Sea
The smallest amongst the following continents is ________.
1. Africa
2. Antarctica
3.North America
4. South America
What is the modern name of Siam?
1. Myanmar
2. Thailand
4. Cambodia
Which among these is a cold current
1. Florida current
2. Canaries current
3.Brazilian current
4. Norwegian current
Which calendar is being universally followed?
1. Christian Era
2. Julian Calendar
3.Gregorian Calendar
4. Saka Era
Which is the largest fishing ground in the world?
1. Japan Sea
2. North Sea
3.North-East Pacific
4. Newfoundland Water
Which is the largest island of the world?
1. New Guinea
2. Medagascar
4. Iceland
Which is the world�s largest river?
1. The Nile
2. The Amazon
3.The Brahmaputra
4. The Mississippi and Missouri
Which of the following is called the Gateway to the Pacific ?
1. Suez Canal
2. Panama Canal
3.Bering Sea
4. Gulf of Alaska
Which of the following is correctly matched?
1. Eskimo � Canada
2. Oran � Sweden
3.Pygmies � Pampas
4. Gonds � Africa
Which of the following regions are regarded as areas of high density of population?
1. East Asia Central and Southern Europe Tropical deserts
2. Amazon and Congo Basins South-East Asia European Russia
3.Congo Basin and Indonesia Central and Southern Europe European Russia
4. East Asia Southern Asia North Western Europe
Which of the following separates Asia and Africa?
1. Panama Canal
2. Suez Canal
3.Nile River
4. Buckingham River
Which of the following statements about New Zealand is incorrect ?
1. It is a part of Australian continent
2. It consists of two islands separated by Cook Strait
3.Tasman Sea is a land locked sea in the South Island
4. Mt. Cook is the highest peak of New Zealand
Which of the following tribe performs animal husbandry?
1. Bodo
2. Maasai
4. Eskimo
Which one of the following can be considered as an initial warning of an approaching Tsunami?
1. Thundering noise
2. Squally winds and rainfall
3.Rapid withdrawal of water away from the beach
4. Rapid landward movement of water
Which one of the following can one come across if one travels through the Strait of Malacca?
1. Bali
2. Brunei
4. Singapore
Which one of the following does not border Panama?
1. Costa Rica
2. Pacific Ocean
4. Venezuela
Which one of the following is correctly matched?
1. Canary current � Mediterranean Sea
2. Falkland current � Arabian Sea
3.Gulf Stream � Pacific Ocean
4. Labrador Current � North Atlantic Ocean
Which one of the following is not a plant product?
1. Lac
2. Hemp
4. Flax
Which one of the following scholars suggests the earth�s origin is from gases and dust particles?
1. James Jeans
2. H Alfven
3.F Hoyle
4. O Schmidt
Which one of the following statements is not true?
1. Gulfs with narrow fronts and wider rears experience high tides
2. Tidal currents take place when a gulf is connected with the open sea by a narrow channel
3.Tidal bore occurs when a tide enters the narrow and shallow estuary of a river
4. The tidal nature of the mouth of the river Hooghly is of crucial importance to Kolkata as port
Which parallel separates North and South Korea?
1. 38th
2. 50th
4. 40th
Which set of two river given below together form the world�s largest delta?
1. The Ganges and the Brahmpautra
2. The Mississippi and the Missouri
3.The Tigris and the Euphrates
4. The Seine and the Rhine
Why does the mercury column in the barometer fall rapidly before a severe storm? It is due to
1. Increase in the humidity of air
2. Fall in the atmospheric pressure
3.Severe heat energy from the sun
4. Rise in the atmospheric pressure
You are asked to import Ostrich Platypus and Kaola Bear. To which country will you opt to go to get all the three?
1. Australia
2. Japan
4. New Zealand