MCQs | UPSC,PCS,CDS,NDA /World Geography Miscellaneous MCQ set-6 Sample Test,Sample questions

The moat abundant element in sea water is


2. Chlorine

3. Magnesium

4. Sulphur

A geographical mile is a measure of length equal to one sixtieth of a degree or one minute (1 ) of latitude. It varies with latitudes  but is approximately equals

1.7200 feet

2. 6080 feet

3. 4500 feet

4. 6000 feet

A stony desert is termed as ________ and sandy desert as ________.

1.Reg erg

2. Reg loess

3. Erg loess

4. Erg reg

Along which one of the following meridians did India experience the first light of the sunrise of the new millennium?

1.20�30 W

2. 82�30 E

3. 92�30 W

4. 92�30 E

At which particular place on earth are day and nights of equal length always?

1.Prime Meridian

2. Poles

3. Equator

4. Nowhere

Chicago  one of world s largest steel centres  is located on the southern tip of the lake.


2. Michigan

3. Huron

4. Erie

Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights  because clouds

1.Prevent cold waves from the sky from descending on earth

2. Reflect back the heat given off by earth

3. Produce heat and radiate it towards earth

4. Absorb heat from the atmosphere and send it towards earth

Everyday the moon rises about ________ minutes later than the previous day


2. 30

3. 60


In demographic features  India is sorted out in which of the following stage of population cycle?

1.Early expanding stage

2. High stationary

3. Late expanding stage

4. Declining stage

In the context of exports  which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched ?

1.Cape Town : Wool and wine

2. Adelaide : Wheat and wool

3. Perth : Rice and corn

4. San Francisco : Fruits and wine

Japan s total land is about ________ that of India.


2. One-fifth

3. One-ninth

4. One-tenth

Light from the nearest star reaches the earth in

1.43 minutes

2. 4.3 seconds

3. 4.3 minutes

4. 4.3 years

Lines Joining places having equal height are


2. Isobars

3. Isohalines

4. Isohyet

Pakistan s nuclear power plant is located at ________


2. Peshawar

3. Kahuta

4. Karachi

Pearl Harbour  (the target of Japanese attack on the American fleet) is in


2. Philippines

3. Hawaiian Islands

4. Singapore

Savanna is a


2. Forest

3. Grassland

4. Snowclad mountain

Selvas is a word denoting

1.Long narrow depression formed in the land sunk between two parallel faults

2. A southerly region of the oceans located between 45�S and N

3. The equatorial rain forest of the Amazon basin

4. The grasslands of North America

Spot the odd item.

1.Mt Fuji

2. Mt Godwin Austin

3. Mt Vesuvius

4. Mt Etna

Strait of Gibraltar connects which of the following?

1.Red Sea � Mediterranean Sea

2. Red Sea � Arabian Sea

3. Atlantic Ocean � Mediterranean Sea

4. Mediterranean Sea � Black Sea

Suez Canal connects

1.Red Sea and Arabian Sea

2. Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

3. Arabian Sea and Mediterranean Sea

4. North Sea and Baltic Sea

Suez Canal links

1.Mediterranean Sea and Caribbean Sea

2. Black Sea and Baltic Sea

3. Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

4. Arabian Sea and Red Sea

The approximate distance between the Earth and the Moon is

1.380000 km

2. 180000 km

3. 280000 km

4. 50000 km

The approximate radius of the Earth is

1.25000 km

2. 12500 km

3. 6400 km

4. 4500 km

The area or the Indian Ocean is approximately ________.

1.24 million sq km

2. 44 million sq km

3. 64 million sq km

4. 74 million sq km

The Balkan Peninsula is separated from the rest of Europe by the river.


2. Rhine

3. Elbe

4. Weser

The busiest sea route is

1.The Mediterranean Red-Sea Route

2. The South Atlantic Route

3. The North Atlantic Route

4. The Pacific Route

The capital of the Ontario province of Canada situated on the Lake Ontario is the port city of


2. Uruguay

3. Chile

4. Paraguay

The coast of which of the following country are not touched by Arabian sea?

1.Saudi Arabia

2. Oman

3. Kenya

4. Iran

The dwarf camels  known as Alpacas  Vicunas and Llamas are found in


2. Afghanistan

3. Myanmar

4. Cyprus

The first steam boat was built by


2. Newton

3. James Watt

4. Robert Fulton

The highest plateau in the world is

1.Plateau of Tibet

2. Deccan Plateau

3. Plateau of Iran

4. Spanish Plateau

The home of spices is

1.Middle East

2. The USA

3. France

4. India

The shortest air-route from Perth to London is ________

1.Perth Mumbai Rome London

2. Perth Ankara Paris London

3. Perth Aden Paris London

4. Perth Mombasa Rome London

The Tagus river flows through


2. Khartoum

3. Lisbon

4. Kabul

The term �transhumance  means

1.The practice of moving to a new clearing in the forest every few years

2. The seasonal movement of people along with their cattle in the mountains

3. Moving over to another neighbouring country

4. Moving from place to place in search of work

The Trans-Andean railway connects

1.Mexico City with Santiago

2. Panama City with Santiago

3. Buenos Aires with Valparaiso

4. Rio de Janerio with Bogota

The USA is deficient in domestic supplies of


2. Lead

3. Zinc

4. Manganese

The waterfall with the greatest meterage in the fall is

1.The Jog Falls India

2. The Victoria Falls Africa

3. The Niagara Falls North America

4. The Salto Angel Falls South America

The winter snow-house or Eskimos is known as


2. Tupic

3. Igloo

4. Tent

The world s largest inland sea is ________.

1.The Black Sea

2. The Dead Sea

3. The Caspian Sea

4. The Aral Sea

The world s most humid continent is


2. Europe

3. North America

4. South America

Tonle Sap is the biggest fresh water lake in South East AsiIt is located In


2. Kampuchea

3. Laos

4. Vietnam

What is the average salt content in a litre of seawater?

1.39 gm.

2. 37 gm.

3. 35 gm.

4. 32 gm.

What is the shape of the Earth?


2. Circle

3. Sphere

4. Hemi-sphere

Which continent has the highest density of population?


2. Africa

3. Europe

4. North America

Which is the largest country of the Africa?

1.South Africa

2. Sudan

3. Algeria

4. Egypt

Which of the following countries share borders with Moldova? 1. Ukraine 2. Romania 3. Belarus Select the correct answer using the code given below

1.1 and 2 only

2. 2 and 3 only

3. 1 and 3 only

4. 1 2 and 3

Which of the following is a reason for the increase in population of the developing countries?

1.Increase in birth rate due to reluctance to accept family planning measures

2. Increase in life expectancy and decrease of death rate due to medical facilities

3. Both of these

4. None of these

Which of the following is not a tropical cyclone?


2. Tornado

3. Hurricane

4. Willy-willy

Which of the following is the busiest of ocean trade routes?

1.Suez Canal

2. Cape of Good Hope

3. North Atlantic

4. Panama Canal

Which of the following is/are the chief Characteristics of commercial grain farming of the middle latitude grasslands? 1. The size of farms are generally large. 2. Cultivation is highly mechanize 3. It is a type of extensive farming. Select the correct answer using the code given below

1.1 and 2 only

2. 2 only

3. 1 2 and 3

4. 1 and 3 only

Which of the following regions of the world is most thickly populated?

1.East Asia

2. South Asia

3. North-West Europe

4. North and South America

Which of the statements as regards the consequences of the movement of the earth is not correct?

1.Revolution of the earth is the cause of the change of seasons

2. Rotation of the earth is the cause of days and nights

3. Rotation of the earth cause variation in the duration of days and nights

4. Rotation of the earth affects the movement of winds and ocean currents

Which one of the following continents has the lowest birth and death rates?


2. Australia

3. North America

4. South America

Which one of the following is not an African country?


2. Gabon

3. Mauritania

4. Yemen

Which one of the following is not an astronomical object?


2. Brittle Star

3. Black Hole

4. Quasar

Which one of these places lies nearest to the Equator?


2. Lagos

3. Colombo

4. Jakarta

Which or the following is mainly responsible for causing discomfort to mountaineers?

1.Steep height

2. Extreme cold

3. Lack of oxygen

4. Lack of shelter

Which part of Europe is most densely populated?

1.Eastern Europe

2. Western Europe

3. Northern Europe

4. Area around the Black Sea

World s largest solar power plant is located in ________

1.Kalahari Desert Africa

2. Sahara Desert Libya

3. Thar Desert India

4. Mojava Desert USA


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