Independence of India Act was result of which of the following plans / pacts?
1.Mountbatten Plan
2.Lucknow Pact
3.Delhi Manifesto
4.Delhi Pact
Which Constitutional Amendment Act readjusted the scale of representation in Lok Sabha?
1.1st Amendment,1951
2.2nd Amendment, 1952
3.5th Amendment, 1955
4.7th Amendment, 1956
Which of the following Constitutional Amendment Act was called as ‘Mini Constitution’?
3. 69th
4. 91st
Which of the following title was given by Mahatma Gandhi to Bal Gangadhar Tilak?
1. The Maker of Modern India
2.The Iron Man of India
3. The father of the Indian unrest
4.The Indian Lion
Which Part and Article deals with amendment to the Constitution of India?
1.Part XX, Article 368
2.Part XXI, Article 369
3.Part XXII, Article 393
4.None of the above
Who can recommend recommend dissolution of the Lok Sabha to President at any time?
1.Prime Minister
2.Council of Ministers
3. Lok Sabha
According to which Article of the Constitution the executive power of the Union is vested in the President?
1.Article 53
2.Article 54
3. Article 55
4.Article 56
From which constitution, India has borrowed the provisions related to amendment Constitution?
1.Weimer Republic of Germany
2.South Africa
3. Ireland
4. Canada
The Sarkaria commission is related to which of the following?
1.Centre and State Relations
2.Banking & Financial Sector
3. Elections Reforms
4.Freedom of Press In India
In 2015 the government of which state laid down the preconditions to its police personnel before invoking sedition?
2.Tamil Nadu
3.Andhra Pradesh
In which year the government introduced Food for Work Programme (FWP)?
On which of the following basis the seats are reserved for the SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and the state legislative assemblies?
1. Area
Pyithu Hluttaw is the lower house of the parliament of which among the following countries?
3. Cambodia
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was enacted in which year?
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 provides how many rights to the consumers?
The Directive Principles of State Policy has been adopted from the Constitution of which country?
2.South Africa
3. Australia
The President of India appoints the Chairman and Members of the National Human Rights Commission on whose recommendations?
1.Prime Minister of India
2.Speaker of Lok Sabha
3.Home Minister
4.All of the Above
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was enacted in which year?
The total number of ministers, including the Prime Minister, in the Council of Ministers shall not exceed?
3. 15%
Till now, the Preamble of Constitution of India has been amended for how many times?
Under which Article of the Constitution the President is empowered to consult the Supreme Court?
1. Article 143
2.Article 133
3.Article 129
4.Article 32
What is the tenure of individual Rajya Sabha members?
1.3 years
2.4 years
3. 5 years
4.6 years
Which amendment states that the total number of ministers, including the Prime Minister, in the Central Council of Ministers shall not exceed 15% of the total strength of the Lok Sabha?
2. 89th
3. 91st
4. 93rd
Which among the following article is specifically excluded from the purview of the procedure of amendment as prescribed in Article 368?
1.Article 54
2. Article 154
3.Article 169
4.Article 214
Which among the following is not correctly matched? (Women Chief Ministers)
1.Sucheta kriplani – Uttar Pradesh
2.Nandini Satpathy – Orissa
3.Sashikala Kakodkar – Goa
4.All are correct
Which article endeavors to separate the judiciary from the executive?
1.Article 44
2.Article 49
3.Article 39
4.Article 50
Which article in Part III of the constitution of India is related to free and compulsory education?
Which Articles of the Constitution deal with the parliamentary system at the Centre?
1. Articles 163 and 164
2.Articles 74 and 75
3.Articles 73 and 74
4.Article 67 and 68
Which of the following are the conditions in which Chief Minister of a State is not eligible to vote in the Presidential election?
1.If he is a member of the lower house of the state legislature
2.If he is a member of the upper house of the state legislature
3. If he is a candidate
4.If he is yet to prove his majority on the floor of the house
Which of the following article is related to succession to property, assets, rights, liabilities and obligations in certain cases?
1.Article 294
2. Article 295
3.Article 296
4. Article 297
Which of the following articles grant the ‘Right to Equality’ to citizens of India?
1.Article 13-17
2.Article 14-18
3.Article 16-20
4. Article 15-19
Which of the following Articles has the provision of participation of workers in the management of industries?
1.Article 45
2. Article 43 A
3.Article 47
4. Article 43
Which of the following countries Lower House is called Gyelyong Tshogdu?
Which of the following form of justice is not mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution of India?
3. Religious
Which of the following provisions cannot be amended by simple majority?
1. Admission or establishment of new states
2.Abolition or creation of legislative councils in states
3.Directive Principles of State Policy
4.Sixth Schedule–administration of tribal areas
Which of the following represents the mental aspects of crime?
1. Actus reus
2.Mens rea
3. Both of them
4.None of them
Which of the following schedules of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 provides absolute protection – offences under these are prescribed the highest penalties?
1.Part II of Schedule II
2.Schedule III
3.Schedule IV
4.Schedule V
Which Schedule of the Constitution deals with the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha?
1.Eleventh Schedule
2. Fourth Schedule
3. Ninth Schedule
4. Third Schedule
Which section of IPC pertains to a public servant unlawfully buying or bidding for property?
1. Section 169
2.Section 170
3.Section 171
4.Section 172
Which section of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 defines domestic violence?
1.Section 3
2.Section 4
3. Section 5
4. Section 6
Who among the following held the office of Vice President of India for two consecutive terms?
1.Dr. R Venkatramanan
2.Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
3.Dr. VV Giri
4.Dr. S Radhakrishnan
Who among the following was not among the seven members of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly?
1.Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar
2.Dr. K M Munshi
3.Syed Mohammad Saadullah
4.G. V. Mavalankar
Who called the parliamentary system as ‘cabinet system’?
1. Lord Morely
2.Ivor Jennings
3.Sir William Vernor Harcourt
4.H.J. Laski
Who decides whether a juvenile criminal in the age group of 16–18 should be tried as an adult or not?
1.Juvenile Justice Board
2.Supreme Court
3.Chief Justice of India
Who moved the historic ‘Objectives Resolution’ on December 13, 1946 in the Constituent Assembly?
1.Jawaharlal Nehru
2.Mahatma Gandhi
3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
4.G.V. Mavalankar