1.With his father
2.With his mother.
3.With his father and mother.
4.None of the above
1. At the sweetmeat-shop.
2.At the flower-shop
3.At the balloon-sellers.
4.At the roundabout
Answer 41.White like silver.
2.Red like a rose
3. Pale like melting gold.
4.Lovely like a rainbow.
Answer 31. showing him different toys
2. taking him to rides
3.talking to him and diverting his attention
4.All of the mentioned
Answer 41.Shabbily.
Answer 21.He knew his parents would never buy him the balloons.
2.He knew his parents would say he was too old to play with such toys.
3.Both A and B above.
4. Neither A nor B.
Answer 31. cried and ran here and there
2.felt happy
3.reported to the office
4. none
Answer 11. The fair was charming
2.the toys were attractive
3.that parents are the most valuable asset
4.None of the mentioned
Answer 31.He said, ‘I want that burfi.
2.He said, ‘I want that jalebi
3.He said, ‘I want that rasagulla.
4.He said, ‘I want that gulab jamun
Answer 11.He started collecting the flowers from the ground.
2.He started gathering the raining petals in his hands.
3.He started dancing with joy.
4.He started climbing up the flowering tree
Answer 21. Burfi
Answer 11.A garland of roses.
2.A garland of violets
3.A garland of gulmohur.
4.A garland of lilies.
Answer 31.He at once bought the toy for the child.
2.He said, “Look, child, what is before you.
3.He looked at the child red-eyed.
4.He began to beat the child.
Answer 31.The child said, “I want my father, I want my mother.”
2.The child said, “I want to go home.”
3. The child said, “I live in a village.”
4.The child said, “I am feeling hungry.
Answer 11.They collected some flowers for the child.
2.They lay down to rest for some time.
3.They sat down on the edge of a well.
4.They listened to the cooing of doves.
Answer 31.‘Come, child, come.’
2.‘Come, or you’ll be lost.’
3.Come, have these toys.’
4. ‘Come, we’re getting late.’
Answer 11. child lost his interest
2.child’s obstinacy
3.bond of love between child and parents is above everything.
Answer 31.working of a fair
2.working of a village
3.village people are good
4.working of a child’s mind
Answer 41.Close bonding between parents and children
2.village people are good
3. we must go to village fairs
Answer 11. A toy shop.
2.A balloon shop
3.A- sweetmeat-shop.
4.A flower shop
Answer 31.The father.
2.The mother
3.Both the father and the mother
4.Neither the father nor the mother.
Answer 21.With his father
2.With his mother.
3.With his father and mother.
4.None of the above
Answer 31.because of the stops he took to look closely at his favourite things
2. because he was walking slow
3.because he was crying
4.All of the mentioned
Answer 11. lost interest
2.his interest was changed
3.because being with parents was more important
Answer 31.to protect him from the crowd
2. because of their fears
3. to help him
4.None of these
Answer 1