Categories: EDUCATION

Q.1. Select the incorrect match.


Lampbrush Chromosomes


Diplotene bivalents




Sex chromosomes




L-shaped chromosomes




Oocytes of amphibians


Answer: (D)


Q.2. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form ATP?

(A) Ribosome                  

(B) Chloroplast

(C) Mitochondrion          

(D) Lysosome


Answer: (C) Mitochondrion


Q.3. Select the mismatch.

(A) Gas vacuoles – Green bacteria

(B) Large central vacuoles – Animal cells

(C) Protists – Eukaryotes

(D) Methanogens – Prokaryotes


Answer: (B) Large central vacuoles – Animal cells


Q.4. Which of the following structures is not found in a prokaryotic cell?

(A) Nucleoid

(B) Plasma membrane

(C) Nuclear envelope

(D) Ribosome


Answer: (C) Nuclear envelope


Q.5. Karyology is the study of

(A) Cell

(B) Nucleus

(C) Tissue

(D) Genes


Answer: (B) Nucleus


Q.6. Perinuclear space is a fluid space

(A) Surrounding the nuclear envelope

(B) Lying as an inner rim surrounded by the nuclear envelope

(C) Enveloping the nucleolus

(D) Between the two membranes of the nuclear membrane


Answer: (D) Between the two membranes of the nuclear membrane


Q.7. The total length of DNA molecules of 46 chromosomes in a human cell is about....... whereas a typical cell is 10 m in length

(A) 2 mm

(B) 2 cm

(C) 0.2 mm

(D) 2 m


Answer: (D) 2 m


Q.8. Chromatin consists of

(A) DNA only

(B) DNA + Histones

(C) DNA + RNA + histones+ Non-histones

(D) Ribonucleoproteins


Answer: (C) DNA + RNA + histones+ Non-histones


Q.9. Histones are rich in

(A) Alanine and glycine

(B) Lysine and arginine

(C) Histidine and serine only

(D) Cysteine and tyrosine


Answer: (B) Lysine and arginine


Q.10. The centromere lies slightly away from the middle of the chromosome resulting in one shorter arm and one longer arm. This type of chromosome is called

(A) Acrocentric

(C) Metacentric

(B) Submetacentric

(D) Subtelocentric


Answer: (B) Submetacentric


Q.11. The name chromatin was coined by:

(A) Flemming

(B) Robert Brown

(C) George Palade

(D) Camillo Golgi


Answer: (A) Flemming


Q.12. Microbodies differ from lysosomes in that

(A) Microbodies are surrounded by a single unit membrane while lysosome membrane is double

(B) Microbodies are surrounded by double membrane while lysosomes membrane is single unit

(C) Microbodies contain lytic enzymes while lysosomes do not

(D) Lysosome contain lytic enzymes microbodies do not while


Answer: (D) Lysosome contain lytic enzymes microbodies do not while


Q.13. Which of the following is not true with reference to microbodies?

(A) Present in both plant and animal cells

(B) Non membranous structure

(C) Membrane bounded minute vesicles

(D) Contain various enzymes


Answer: (B) Non membranous structure


Q.14. Nuclear DNA exists as a complex of proteins called …….. that condenses into ……. during…..

(A) Chromatids, chromosomes, cell division

(B) Chromosomes, chromatin, interphase

(C) Chromatin, Chromosome, Interphase

(D) Chromatin, chromosome, cell division


Answer: (D) Chromatin, chromosome, cell division

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